Net Zero 2050 Graphic

Mobile Gnosis is a place for mobility engineers and sustainable experts to not only access information but also come together as a community. Here you can share your ideas and join forces with others in an effort to facilitate the global transportation industry into achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 - one of the grandest sustainability challenges facing us today!

What is Net Zero by 2050 and why does it matter? Mobility is the lifeblood of modern society and a pillar of sustainability. Mobility is responsible for roughly a quarter of all global energy-related CO2 emissions, so it holds tremendous potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions if we make the right changes. Net Zero by 2050 provides an ambitious but achievable goal to bring us into alignment with the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century.

At Mobile Gnosis, we are committed to making this goal a reality by creating an open platform for mobility engineers and sustainability experts from around the world. Join us in our mission to create sustainable and equitable transportation systems that will ensure a better future for generations to come! Together, we can make Net Zero Mobility a reality. Let’s get started!

  • About the Author: Matt De Reno is the publisher of Mobile Gnosis.