Networking at conference graphic. Confident Woman Pictured.

Attending a major aerospace conference like SAE International's Aerotech in Charlotte, NC, this March can be overwhelming for aerospace engineers, college students, or aerospace managers new to such events. You can be confident that we have everything taken care of for you. Aerotech is a great opportunity to learn, network, and explore the latest advancements in aerospace technologies.

The Importance of Aerospace Conferences

Aerospace conferences like Aerotech offer a unique opportunity for engineers and professionals to stay updated on new trends, research breakthroughs, and industry developments. They also provide an excellent platform for networking with fellow professionals, exchanging ideas, and discussing potential collaborations.

Featuring renowned speakers, state-of-the-art technology displays, and exceptional networking opportunities, the event can feel daunting. However, fret not, as a strategic mindset can help you maximize your time there. This detailed guide aims to assist you in not only participating but actively immersing yourself and gaining knowledge at an aerospace conference.

Let's Talk — Aerotech 2024

Aerospace conferences are not just a break from the ordinary, they are a setting for professional immersion. Conferences offer unparalleled learning environments by bringing together experts, thought leaders, and pioneers from across the aerospace industry. They are a gateway to new technologies, methodologies, and career opportunities. SAE's Aerotech conference is a prime example. Here is just a sample of some of the many high-profile companies that will be participating:

  • Boeing
  • Airbus
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Raytheon Technologies (formerly Raytheon)
  • Pratt & Whitney
  • Collins Aerospace
  • General Electric Aviation
  • Honeywell Aerospace
  • Safran

With a lineup featuring some of the aerospace industry's most prestigious companies and thought leaders, SAE International's Aerotech conference presents a unique and invaluable opportunity for new engineers, college students, and aerospace managers. It's essential to approach this event not just as attendees, but as active participants ready to extract the maximum value from every session, workshop, and networking opportunity.

This conference could be the catalyst for significant career development, offering insights into the latest aerospace technologies, methodologies, and trends. By engaging fully, you position yourself to not only gain knowledge and inspiration but also to make professional connections that could be instrumental in shaping your future in the aerospace industry.

Aerotech aside, the advice in this guide is your roadmap to navigating the complex ecosystem of aerospace conferences in general and ensuring that you catch every wave of opportunity that comes your way.

Pre-Conference Preparation

Success starts before you even set foot on the conference floor. Adequate preparation ensures that you arrive with clear objectives and focus.

1. Research the agenda

Before the conference, meticulously go through the schedule and agenda. Identify and mark sessions directly relevant to your interests and career aspirations. Research the speakers to grasp their backgrounds and the context of their presentations. Take note of any potential mentors or role models and ensure you attend their sessions.

For instance, Aerotech 2024 will feature a myriad of experts. It's not feasible to interact with all of them (hmm unless there's an AI app unknown for that). Therefore, it's advisable to thoroughly review the list of presenters in advance and pick your favorites.

2. Know who the big dogs are in the room

The keynotes at Aerotech 2024 include some of the following aerospace industry luminaries such as:

  • Bethany Davis - Head of Programs at JetZero
  • Henry Brooks - President, Power and Controls, Collins Aerospace
  • Joseph (Joe) M. Keegan - Director of Systems Product Development, Boeing Commercial Airplanes
  • Jon Levegren - Head of Autonomy, Wisk
  • Darshan "Dash" Divarkaran - Head of Airspace Innovation and Partnership, AFWERX

Where else, but an industry conference like Aerotech 2024, can a person with aspirations to launch a career in the aerospace industry, potentially interact with such accomplished industry professionals? Perhaps ChatGPT is fast working on a solution, but right now, it is hard to beat the real thing of meeting other like-minded aerospace folks in person. There is still no substitute for the hands-on networking opportunities you will find at major industry conferences like Aerotech.

3. Develop your strategy

With the above information in hand, attendees must strategize their conference experience. Begin by outlining a personalized schedule, prioritizing sessions led by keynotes like Bethany Davis and Henry Brooks, whose expertise might perfectly align with your interests or career goals. Don’t forget to allocate time for networking opportunities, especially with companies like Boeing and Lockheed Martin that may pique your professional curiosity.

4. Prepare ahead of time

Use this preparation phase to also draft questions or discussion points for speakers or potential mentors, ensuring you make the most out of every interaction. Remember, the goal is not just to absorb information passively but to engage actively with the material, speakers, and other conference participants to fully leverage the learning and networking opportunities at Aerotech 2024.

5. Set goals and objectives

What do you hope to achieve from the conference? Are you looking to network, learn about new technology, or recruit talent for your project? Set specific, achievable goals that will guide your conference activities. These could range from meeting a certain number of new contacts to learning about a piece of software crucial to your work.

Do we have to go into all that SMART goals stuff? We won't get into it here, but it is always a good idea to make your goals measurable or quantifiable in some way. Don't go there saying you want to have a good time or get to know some people or whatever. Instead, come up with stuff like the following:

  • Attend 5 workshops
  • Add 10 new connections on LinkedIn
  • Obtain 10 new social media followers
  • Visit 15 booths
  • Talk to 5 potential clients
  • Prospective with 1 potential employer

During the Conference

Excitement fills the air as the big day finally arrives. You step into Aerotech 2024, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation. As you collect your badge, the bustling conference hall overwhelms you. What's next? Where to begin? It's a world of possibilities waiting to be explored.

1. Attend Key Sessions and Workshops

Be mindful of your must-attend list, and prioritize those sessions. Actively participating in workshops and technical sessions relevant to your field will not only enrich your knowledge but also provide you with the opportunity to engage with the subject matter at a deeper level.

Before the event, allocate time to peruse the tracks, sessions, and presentations that pique your interest the most. A quick look at the Aerotech 2024 website page we can see that this event will delve into the following topics:

  • Advanced Air Mobility & Disruptive Technology
  • AeroFast
  • Aircraft Systems
  • Business, Economics & Forecasting
  • Defense / Military
  • Engineering & Flight Sciences
  • Fabrication & Assembly
  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility & Leadership (IDEAL) / Workforce Development
  • Manufacturing & Materials
  • MBSE & Digital Engineering
  • Power, Thermal & Propulsion
  • Safety
  • Security / Aviation Cybersecurity
  • Sustainability, Circularity & Decarbonization
  • Sustainment, Obsolescence & Supply Chain

2. Remember Maverick's "Key 3" Approach

My suggestion is to identify three must-go workshops and sessions. Then, freelance for any others you may have time for that are high on your list.

Identifying the tracks that align best with your professional interests and goals is a strategic process that enhances your conference experience. Utilizing the list of topics from Aerotech 2024 as an example, start by evaluating each track for its relevance to your current projects, future aspirations, or areas where you wish to expand your knowledge.

If your focus is on the future of aviation technology, the "Advanced Air Mobility & Disruptive Technology" track might capture your interest. For those passionate about environmental sustainability within the industry, sessions under "Sustainability, Circularity & Decarbonization" would be invaluable.

Create a shortlist of tracks that resonate most with your professional narrative. Consider also venturing into tracks outside your immediate expertise, as interdisciplinary knowledge can spark innovative ideas and solutions. By methodically assessing each track against your objectives, you ensure a tailored, enriching learning experience at the conference.

a) Maverick's "Helicopter" Approach to Networking

Now, it is time to network. In many ways, that is what conferences like Aerotech 2024 are all about. Don’t be a wallflower – introductions are the start of some invaluable connections. Attend networking events and approach individuals who can help you meet your goals. Remember, quality trumps quantity in networking. Focus on developing meaningful relationships with a few key individuals.

Does the idea of networking fill you with dread? it doesn't come easy for everyone. Don't worry. We got you covered. Just remember Maverick's helicopter technique. Simply be like a copter and hover.

That's right. Hang around.

Hover around the key work sessions, workshops, gatherings, booths, and other breakout sessions where you can meet and get to know as many people as possible. Don't be afraid to approach someone who piques your interest or seems knowledgeable in a field you wish to learn more about.

As with any conversation, good networking requires active listening skills and thoughtful questions. Engage others by asking thought-provoking questions and sharing your own experiences and expertise authentically.

b) Maverick's "Buzz The Tower" approach to networking

Recall the iconic scene from the original Top Gun movie where Tom Cruise, playing Maverick (undoubtedly my inspiration for my Mobile Gnosis call sign), performs a daring fly-by maneuver, buzzing the control tower. Buzzing the tower involves a low fly-by pass near the control tower at high speeds. The power of the jet's engine and the velocity of the aircraft combine to create a thunderous blast that reverberates through the control tower, giving everyone inside an unforgettable experience. I am not suggesting you interrupt or crash or blow up some kind of work session, but we all know disruption when executed well, can be a game changer. So if you are bold enough and have bold enough ideas, don't be afraid to buzz the tower and approach a keynote speaker, introduce yourself, and blow them away with your engineering acumen, groundbreaking ideas, or your sales pitch about why they hired you.

3. Take notes—Ask insightful questions

Actively engage with the presentations by taking notes. This not only reinforces your learning but also provides valuable material for conversations. When the opportunity arises, ask speakers thoughtful questions.

This will position you as an engaged participant and can lead to insightful discussions. And is it okay to research thoughtful questions beforehand? Of course it is and you should do that. Do the legwork. Try to get a primer - and this is where ChatGPT can come in handy - As it has some thoughtful questions you can ask a presenter who will be talking about whatever they are talking about.

Asking questions can pave the path to becoming a thought leader. Thought leadership starts with having thoughts; questions are thoughts seeking resolution. By answering questions, you generate more thoughts to synthesize and share, ultimately establishing yourself as a thought leader. That is what I believe.


4. Relax and enjoy the experience

Don't worry about FOMO (this means the fear of missing out on any of you, eh, early aircraft models, like me). Simply remember to enjoy yourself. You can't and won't have time to do it all. Do what you can. Don't stress yourself trying to take every single workshop or session. Take time to recharge at the end of each day. Be sure to get out and take a walk every so often. Fresh air will help your thinking. Get enough sleep too. Being on your feet all day can be exhausting.

Learning can be great fun, and when shared with like-minded individuals, it can ignite creativity. The key is to remain open-minded and curious during the conference for a truly fulfilling experience. and do what you can. 

After the Conference

The learning experience doesn't come to a halt once the conference concludes. It continues beyond the event, shaping our growth and understanding in the days that follow. Make the most of your post-conference experience by taking these steps:

1. Follow Up

Take the time to follow up with new contacts, mentors, or industry professionals you met at the conference. Connect via social media or email and keep in touch to nurture these relationships.

2. Reflect on Key Takeaways

Take some time to digest what you've learned. Identify the most significant takeaways and consider how they can be applied to your current challenges or projects. Reflecting on your notes will help the information to truly sink in.

3. Follow Up with Contacts Made, Buzzed and Helicoptered

Within a week of the conference, reach out to the professionals you connected with. Send a brief, personalized email to express your appreciation for the meeting and your desire to stay in touch. This follow-up is the first step in nurturing these connections.

4. Implement Learnings in Professional Practice

The most successful conference attendees don’t just leave with renewed enthusiasm – they put their new knowledge into action.

It's about more than just collecting information; it's about transforming that knowledge into tangible results.

Whether it's a groundbreaking technology demonstration that sparked your interest, a valuable connection made for potential future collaborations, or an innovative idea that ignited your curiosity, embrace the opportunity to delve deeper and turn inspiration into real-world impact. Take that next step towards growth and innovation.

5. Write something about your experience

Our suggestion is to summarize your conference experience in a detailed paper for a class or a report for your boss is more than a mere formal obligation; it showcases your professionalism and enthusiasm for continuous learning. By effectively communicating the key insights and knowledge gained, you not only demonstrate your capability to distill complex information into actionable intelligence but also highlight your commitment to applying these learnings to benefit your academic pursuits or your organization's goals.

Crafting a cohesive summary requires you to critically evaluate the sessions you attended, integrating them with your existing knowledge and identifying their relevance to current challenges or opportunities. This process not only reinforces your understanding but positions you as a proactive, forward-thinking individual who is capable of leveraging industry trends to drive innovation and excellence.

Of course, if that sounds too stressful, there is nothing wrong with a person's journal to document your newfound knoweldge. Heck, this could be something as simple as creating some good "Insta" posts or maybe there are some demos that make for good TikToks. Whatever. Use your favorite topic to capture the essence of the conference.

6. "Automate and Connect" — Your Career

This metaphor will resonate with automated and connected vehicle engineers. Explore automating networking through apps, leveraging ChatGPT, or scheduling content for your thought leadership blog. Connect with other professionals in the industry through online communities or attend virtual events.

There are many ways to continue developing your career and staying connected with the aerospace community, even after the conference ends. Some other ways you can connect with others is to volunteer for industry events or organizations, join mentoring programs, and stay up to date with the latest advancements through industry publications and newsletters.

College kids on a rocket ship. Celebrating Success.

Career Liftoff: Aerotech 2024 — and Beyond

In summary, Aerospace conferences, like Aerotech 2024, are a treasure trove of information and opportunities for growth. By actively participating in each stage of the conference – from pre-planning to post-analysis – you are setting the stage for professional advancement. Remember, the more deliberate and engaged you are, the richer your experience will be. Conferences can be game-changers, but only if you play the game well.

With this guide, you’re well-equipped to maximize your attendance at Aerotech 2024, and other aerospace conferences, whether you’re outing the latest advancements in the industry or seeking career development. Use each tip to your advantage and transform your conference experience from passive observer to active participant. Make your mark, forge connections, and bring back insights that will elevate your professional trajectory.

Editor's Note: Maverick is the call sign of Mobile Gnosis publisher Matt De Reno. Matt is a former manager at SAE International and has attended Aerotech in the past. While he won't be there in person this year at Aerotech 2024, be sure to say hello to his college, John McBride. You should be able to find John around the SAE Mobilus booth. Take some time to provide some feedback about SAE Mobilus and if you can, the Mobile Gnosis website. John will be sure to pass along that feedback directly and he has been known to have a gift card or so on him, you know, for your effort.