Futuristic EV Sports Car

Let us begin by stating one fact: electric vehicles are the future. The sooner we begin to accept that the better. However, there's a lot of misinformation out there about them, which is giving ICE vehicle owners a reason to pause.

With that in mind, here are the top myths about electric vehicles that I have heard and I am more than happy to debunk each one of them.

Electric vehicles are too expensive

Debunking the myth that electric vehicles are too expensive is one of the most important steps we can take in convincing the public to make this switch. In reality, owning an EV today costs no more than purchasing a gas-powered car, when factoring in all the financial benefits you’ll receive through government incentives and saved money from using no gasoline at all. Not only will your initial investment be on-par with buying a conventional car, but over time you’ll save so much more. These savings offer even greater value over the long term due to improved battery technology and charging infrastructure, making EVs a much smarter investment than before. So don’t let outdated notions fool you – saving money is at the heart of making this switch to electric power.

Electric vehicles have a shorter range than gasoline cars

Electric vehicles, or EVs, have been a hot topic lately, but many people still believe they lack the range of their gas-powered counterparts - not true! In fact, various EV models have a range comparable to gasoline cars and are often capable of achieving far more on a single charge. Additionally, advances in EV technology have enabled increasingly longer ranges and battery power over time. While it's understandable that some may be wary of making the switch to an electric vehicle due to the perceived lack of range when compared to those fueled by gasoline, this myth is quickly becoming debunked as the facts continue to show how much potential EVs really have.

Electric vehicles take too long to charge

It may not surprise you to hear that electric vehicles don't take nearly as long to charge as you think. In reality, most EV drivers report charging times ranging anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hours, depending on the make and model of their vehicle, the settings of the charging station, and other factors. Charging time for electric vehicles has become less and less of an issue in recent years, with more drivers taking advantage of Level 3 Fast Charging stations that can get their vehicles over 80% full in as little as half an hour. Furthermore, many EV owners are able to pair their models of choice with a home wall box for added convenience - allowing them to ‘fill up’ while they sleep. While there's still variation from situation to situation, one thing's for sure: when it comes to charging time, modern forms of transportation are getting quicker all the time. 

You can't find charging stations when you're on the road

Did you know that there are more than 34,000 public charging stations in the United States? That's almost ten times the number of total gas stations currently operating! The truth is, having an electric vehicle gives you more access to charging infrastructure when you're out on the road than ever before. Thanks to technology like ChargePoint or PlugShare, it's incredibly easy to search and locate charging options near your location with just a few taps. So don't let fear of not being able to charge stop you from getting behind the wheel of your own electric vehicle - because you'll always have plenty of options with modern technology leading the way!

Electric vehicles emit more greenhouse gases than gasoline cars

Contrary to what you may have heard, owning an electric vehicle doesn’t actually mean you’re inadvertently spewing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than if you had a standard gasoline car. In fact, the opposite is true in most cases! Electric vehicles can reduce emissions by over half compared to their petrol-fueled counterparts, considering that electricity production has dramatically become more energy efficient in recent years. Of course, there are other factors involved, such as region and electricity source– like whether it’s hydroelectricity or produced with burning coal– but overall electric vehicle usage often can help knock out carbon dioxide levels significantly. So don't forget to consider this when you are debating between which type of car to invest in– your planet and personal wallet will thank you for it!

Electric vehicles are less safe than gasoline cars

The idea that electric vehicles (EVs) are less safe than those powered by gasoline has been around for years. However, when you dig a bit deeper, it becomes apparent that this isn’t the case—in fact, electric vehicles have numerous safety features that make them just as safe as their gasoline counterparts. EV batteries are designed to disconnect from their power source in the event of an accident—a feature that is not available with gasoline-powered cars. Additionally, due to their low center of gravity and limited range of motion, while accelerating or braking, EVs don’t suffer from the same level of instability as gas-powered vehicles. So if you’re wondering whether or not EVs provide good safety protection compared to traditional gas cars, rest assured—when it comes to safety features and performance, EVs can keep up with the competition.

Electric vehicles have come a long way in the last decade and continue to become more popular each year. With advances in technology, electric vehicles are becoming more affordable, have longer ranges, and can charge faster. You can also find charging stations nearly everywhere you go, making road trips easier than ever before. And perhaps best of all, electric vehicles emit far fewer greenhouse gases than gasoline cars, helping you do your part to reduce your carbon footprint. Electric vehicles are also just as safe as gasoline cars-if not safer- thanks to their many safety features.

Have you considered owning an electric vehicle? If so, what concerns or myths have been holding you back? Join the discussion on our Mobile Gnosis Discussion Forum and let us know!

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